National Day menu appetizer

Appetizer with matjessill, browned butter and baked egg yolk, salt-roasted hazelnuts, pickled turnips, iced silver onion, trout roe and mayonnaise with Västerbottensost®.

Detta recept innehåller:
185 g

4 matjessill fillets
1 silver onion
0.5 dl whipped cream
1 egg
2 dl cooking oil


160 MIN

National Day menu appetizer


4 matjessill fillets

Cut each fillet into four pieces.

Browned butter:

80 g butter

Brown the butter by sautéing it over medium-high heat and then lowering to a lower temperature when the butter “quiets” and a light brown bottom mass forms in the saucepan. Keep the butter warm when cooking or cool down if you are going to cook the dish later.

Salt-roasted hazelnuts:

30 g hazelnuts (scalded)
2 g of salt

Place the scalded hazelnuts on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lightly splash or spray the nuts with water and salt them. Then roast at 200 degrees for about 3 minutes. Cut them into smaller pieces when they have cooled.

Iced silver onion:

1 silver onion

Peel and slice the onion into onion rings thinly with a mandolin. Then put in cold water with a few ice cubes and place the iced silver onion in the refrigerator.

Baked egg yolk:

4 yolks
3 dl cooking oil

Place the yolks in a suitable baking dish or deep plate. Pour on the oil so that it covers the yolks, and then bake them on 63 degrees of hot air for about 1.5 hours. Then let them cool down in the oil.

Pickled turnip:

1 pc turnip, small
0.2 dl vinegar
0.4 dl sugar
0.6 dl water

Thinly plan the turnip on a mandolin and punch with a punch ring or cut off the peel to the desired size. Whisk together vinegar, sugar and water until the sugar has dissolved, then place the thin turnip slices in the pickles. Let the turnip lie in the layers for at least 1-2 hours, it will only get better by being allowed to lie in the law longer.

Mayonnaise with Västerbottensost®:

150 g Västerbottensost cheese®
0.5 dl whipped cream
1 egg
2 dl cooking oil

Grate the cheese and place in a food processor. Bring the cream to a boil and beat over the cheese and mix to a smooth mass. Add the egg and join the oil in a steady stream while continuing mixing. Season to taste with salt and if the batter feels too thick, gently dilute with water.

Other in court:

20 g of trout roe
1 lemon (zest)
35 g Västerbottensost®, finely grated

When serving:

Place the matjessill fillets on a plate along with the baked egg. Serve with the chopped hazelnuts, iced silver onion, pickled turnip and mayonnaise with Västerbotten cheese. Top with some grated Västerbotten cheese, zesta some lemon zest over the dish and drizzle trout roe all around. And finally, serve the warm browned butter at the table, wrapping it around the entire dish.



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Erbjudandet gäller t.o.m. 26/6.