Lightly smoked sooted char fillet and ravioli filled with langoustine and Västerbotten cheese®

Luxurious and elegant char fillet with self-made ravioli that will definitely impress your guests. Perfect for a late summer evening!

Detta recept innehåller:
180 g

6 char fillets (about 150g / fillet)
Black pepper
Olive oil

Butter with Västerbottensost® & dill:
100 g butter, room temperature
80 g Västerbottensost cheese®
50 g dill

100 g of jalapeño
40 g of spinach
3 dl cooking oil
2 egg yolks
Lemon juice

Pasta dough:
320 g of durum wheat flour
150 g of egg yolk
70 g whole eggs

6 langoustine tails (cooked and peeled)
100 g Västerbottensost®, grated
3 cups cream
Maizena to reddening
Salt and black pepper

Norway lobster sauce:
500 g of Norway lobster shell
200 g of shrimp with shell
2 pcs yellow onions, coarsely chopped
3 pcs tomatoes in wedges
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 bay leaf
1 tsp fennel seeds
2.5 dl white wine
1/2 cup Calvados
2.5 dl water
5 cups whipped cream
3 tablespoons butter
Cooking oil for frying
Maizena redning

Other in court:
2 small delicacy cucumbers that are thinly planed on the mandolin
Trout roe


Lightly smoked sooted char fillet and ravioli filled with langoustine and Västerbotten cheese®

Smoke the char in smoking cabinets for about 20-30 minutes. Then take them out and cut to them so there will be neat rectangular pieces. Soot with propane burners, spray or nappera with olive oil and salt and pepper the char. Then serve immediately.
The char can be smoked in advance and cooled down, but then remember to bake it up at a low temperature, about 80 degrees to an internal temperature of about 40 degrees and soot them in the same way.

Herb marinated lace cabbage

Mix chives, dill and canola oil, until the oil is about 70 degrees (alternatively, use a thermomixer). Then strain through a coffee filter or a sieve cloth.
Cut off the cabbage leaves from the root and boil them soft in salted water. Cool directly in ice water. Then vacuum the cabbage leaves with the oil and leave for a day before serving.
When serving, then heat the marinated cabbage leaves with a little butter and season with salt.

Butter with Västerbottensost® & dill

Cut the cheese into smaller cubes. Mix the butter with the dill and season with salt. Finally, turn the cheese into the dill butter. Then freeze the butter and grate over the dish when serving.


Divide and grate the jalapeñon. Then mix it with the spinach and cooking oil until it reaches a temperature of about 70 degrees (alternatively, use a thermomixer). Strain through fine-mesh sieve and leave until the oil layers from the water contained in the jalapeño. “Sheager” the oil off the water and then mix up the yolks and add the oil in gently in a fine stream. Season to taste with salt and lemon juice.

Ravioli stuffed with langoustine & Västerbottensost®

Pasta dough & filling

In a dough mixer, mix all the ingredients for the pasta dough and merge into a fine and homogeneous dough. Plasticize and let rest refrigerate at least 1 hour.
Bring the cream to a boil and whisk in grated Västerbottensost and when it has melted, then rode off with maizena redning until it becomes a stew and season with salt and pepper. Then cool down the stew. Cut the langoustine tails into smaller pieces and mix them into the cold stew.
Then roll out the pasta dough with a pasta machine into thin sheets. Click out the stowage on one half of the rolled-out part (along the long side). Make sure there is some space between each click. Brush with water around the filling, fold over the dough and press so there are small nice pillows. Punch out small fine raviolis, put them on a floured baking sheet and cover with plastic film.
Before serving, then boil salted water and put down the ravioli and let them boil for 1-2 minutes. Then pick them up and toss them around in some room-temperature butter and serve.

Norway lobster sauce

Sauté the langoustine shells, shrimp, onion, bay leaf, fennel seeds and tomato paste in oil in a suitable saucepan over medium heat for about 3-4 minutes. Then add the tomato wedges, wine, calvados, water, cream and let boil about 20 minutes. Then strain through a fine-mesh sieve and cook together until about 4 cups of the sauce remains. Then rode off the sauce with maizena redning to a nice sauce consistency and finally mix in the butter and taste any with salt.

Other in court

2 small delicacy cucumbers that are thinly planed on the mandolin
Trout roe

When serving

Place the sooted smoked char on one side of the plate, then arrange freshly cooked ravioli on the other side and place the lace cabbage together with the planed cucumber with raviolin. Click trout roe over and spread out jalapeñomajonnäs. Grate dill and Västerbotten cheese butter over the pasta part and finally skim up the sauce and pour it in the middle of the plate.


4 / 5. 1

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