Sourdough bread with wheat flour and spelt

Bake your own sourdough bread with wheat flour and spelt.


750 g of lukewarm water
33g unrefined sea salt (25g regular salt)
500g wheat flour
325 g of sifted sifted spelt flour
300 g of whole grain spelt
150 g of refreshed sourdough


800 MIN

Bake your own sourdough bread with wheat flour and spelt.

Mix water and the refreshed sourdough.
The more active the sourdough, the better the bread rises and develops good taste.
After that, mix in half of the flour and stir until smoothly batter with the help of a whisk.
Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough by hand in a bowl.
The dough does not need to be processed, but only go together.
Let the dough rest in the bowl for about an hour under a damp kitchen towel or plastic as a lid.
After that, add in the salt and knead the dough lightly so that the salt penetrates the dough.
Let the dough rest for about 30 minutes.
Now the dough should be folded into the bowl.
Rinse your hand in water and grab one edge of the dough, pulling out the now slightly elastic dough so that you can fold the edge of the dough over the dough in the bowl.
Then rotate the bowl and repeat the process until you get around the yard.
Let the dough rest for an hour, then repeat the folding.
Let rest for another hour and fold the dough once again.
Take out a fermentation basket or colander, place a kitchen towel in the colander and flour abundantly.
Carefully pick up the dough on the kitchen counter and pull it out into a small square.
First fold the upper part of the square towards the center and then fold in the lower part followed by the sides.
Move the dough with the joint of the folds down to the floured fermenting basket/colander.
Wrap the milk basket in a kitchen towel and put it in the refrigerator to rest for at least 12 hours but preferably longer.
It is during this time that the bread develops its good taste.
If you have access to a plastic box with a lid, you can advantageously put the fermentation basket in it before you put it in the refrigerator, this way you protect the dough from the rapid cooling.
After fermentation.
Place a cast iron pot with a lid in the oven.
Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
When the oven has become properly warm, remove the dough from the refrigerator and turn it over onto a baking sheet.
Dust some flour over the dough and make a few cuts with a knife or razor blade.
Move the dough over to the hot cast iron pot and put the lid on.
Place the cast iron pot in the hot oven and bake about 30 minutes then lift the lid and bake for another 15 minutes without a lid (a total of about 45 minutes) or until the bread is nicely browned.
Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool for at least an hour on the wire rack before cutting into the bread.
Spread on butter and a few slices of Västerbotten cheese® and enjoy a real sourdough bread!


4 / 5. 1

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