Pilsner braised lamb with primers & buttered skysauce

Enjoy this dish from the Swedish culinary team together with your loved ones. Great for Easter or if you want to impress your guests!

Detta recept innehåller:
100 g

Braised lamb shank:
4 pcs Lamb Shank
5 dl Veal stock
1/2 celeriac
2 pcs Yellow onion
2 pcs Carrot
4 dl (one bottle) Mellerud’s Non-alcoholic Pilsner
4 bay leaves
6 sprigs of Thyme
15 pcs Black peppercorns

Potato cake:
10 pcs of firm Potatoes (e.g. Amadine)
400 g Butter
5 sprigs of Fresh thyme
4 cloves garlic

Yellow beet
Canola shoots
White asparagus
Bunch onions

Curd cream:
100 g Västerbottensost, preferably aged 24 months
2 egg yolk
1 cup Cream
2 dl Canola Oil
10 g Ramson


330 MIN

Pilsner braised lamb with primers & buttered skysauce

Rub the lamb shanks with salt, place in a deep ovenproof dish and roast off in the oven
at 180 degrees for about 8 min.

Rinse and peel the root vegetables. Cut them into larger pieces and distribute them in the pan with the seasoning along with the thyme, bay leaves and black pepper.
Finish by adding pilsner and veal stock. Fill the last part with water so that the layers are completely covered.
Braise them at 140 degrees for about 4 hours, or run them at 85 degrees overnight. The meat should be tender and come off the bone easily but not completely.

Lift the camp and strain the juice into a saucepan. Reduce to taste.
Season to taste and mix in butter when serving.

Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices, preferably with a mandolin.

Gently heat the butter in a pan with the thyme and garlic. Toss the slices in salt and spread out in a half-deep ovenproof dish with baking paper at the bottom.
Add the melted butter and bake in the oven at 150 degrees until the potatoes are soft. Remove and leave to cool under pressure.
When the potato cake has cooled completely, turn it out of the pan and cut into portions. Fry in a pan until golden brown all over.

Boil the yellow beets with their skins until they are soft and can be easily peeled by hand.

Peel the white asparagus and boil it quickly for about 3 minutes.

Cut them both into suitable pieces and toss in butter just before it’s time to eat.

Roast the turnip greens and spring onions on a baking sheet in the oven with oil, salt and pepper. 175 degrees approx. 15 min.

Grate the Västerbottensost and bring the cream to the boil. Remove from the heat and stir in the cheese so that it melts. Leave to cool.
Place the curd in a container suitable for a hand blender and mix with the egg yolks and chives.
Add the oil. Season with salt and white wine vinegar.

Tips! Both the lamb and the potato cake can be prepared the day before.
The rape shoots can be replaced with asparagus broccoli.


4 / 5. 1

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