Cake with Västerbottensost®

Luxurious and elegant cake that goes perfectly with midsummer or Easter. Invite loved ones to this and it is guaranteed to be appreciated!

Detta recept innehåller:
125 g

150 g flour
15 g of sugar
3 g of salt
1 egg
75 g of milk
Butter for frying

Vanilla mousse

166 g of milk
166 g of cream
100 g of sugar
100 g of egg yolk
3 pcs gelatin leaves
400 g of cream
0.5 pcs vanilla bean

Chewy meringue

50 g of egg white
50 g of sugar
50 g of icing sugar
10 g of lemon juice

Cooked cloudberries

200 g cloudberries
70 g of sugar
10 g of rum
1 pc vanilla bean
5 g lemon

Toffee sauce

166 g of sugar
83 g cloudberry puree
83 g of cream
33 g of browned butter
2 g of salt

Buckwheat crisp

75 g buckwheat
40 g of almond praline
75 g of white chocolate
1 g of salt
Oil for deep frying


Mix together the dry ingredients and grate Västerbottensost coarsely. Mix in the milk and egg in the dry, then Västerbottensost. Mix all the ingredients until the dough comes together.
Lay out the dough on a table and roll it out to about 0.5 cm thickness. Then punch out the desired shape. Fry in pan with butter until the cake acquires a nice golden brown color.

Vanilla mousse

Bring milk and the first portion of cream to a boil with the vanilla pod. Soak the gelatin leaves.
Whisk up sugar and egg yolk. Pour the egg-beater into the saucepan with the milk and cream.
Then heat the mixture to 83 degrees, stirring constantly. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the gelatin leaves. Strain the batter and contact plastic, refrigerate and let cool.
Whisk the second part cream, loose! Take out the cold vanilla cream and whisk it up (so that any lumps disappear). Then turn the cream into the cream and pour into a liquor bag, fill your pan and then freeze overnight.

Chewy meringue

Whisk up the egg white a little frothy with the lemon juice. Pour in the sugar and icing sugar a little at a time until everything is in. Then let the meringue beat until it acquires firm peaks.
Pull out the meringue thinly on a silicone mat (if you have stencils, you can use them to get different shapes on your meringue). Dry the meringue in the oven at 50 degrees during the night.

Cooked cloudberries

Boil the sugar and water into a caramel with the vanilla pod. When the caramel is golden brown, extinguish it with the rum and lemon juice. Then let the caramel get a boil so that the caramel is smooth. Remove from plate, pour in cloudberries and leave for about 5-10 minutes, then refrigerate.
Warm up before serving.

Toffee sauce

Melt the sugar in a saucepan until the color turns golden brown. Then pour the cream and cloudberry puree into the saucepan. Bring to a boil up to 112 degrees. When the toffee has reached the right temperature, remove the saucepan from the plate.
Down with the butter, salt and stir. Then strain through a sieve.
Serve hot.

Buckwheat crisp

Boil buckwheat in salted water until it becomes soft. Strain and rinse with cold water. Then spread out the wheat on parchment paper and dry overnight. (If you don’t have access to a drying machine, the oven works just as well. Preheat the oven to 50 degrees and open the damper.)
After it dries, buckwheat should be deep-fried at 200 degrees for 1-2 seconds. Then place the deep-fried buckwheat on paper so that all the extra fat is absorbed by the paper.
Then melt the chocolate and mix it with the buckwheat and praline. Iron out thinly on a silicone mat and freeze. Then punch or cut out the desired shape.
Feel free to have the same shape of the crisp and mousse so that you can cast them together. Then the crisp serves as a base for the mousse to stand on.

Other in court

Flowers or herbs for garnish.

When you have all the steps ready, the most fun thing left is to put all the components together on the plate!
You start by placing the fried cake with Västerbotten cheese in the middle of the plate / bowl, then you take the meringue plate and put on the hot cake. Place the molded mousse on the meringue and fill the middle with the cooked cloudberries, feel free to garnish with flowers or herbs to get a little more color on the dessert.
When all the components are on the plate, only the caramel sauce is left, it is good to serve hot at the table, where you pour the sauce around the entire dessert so that you get a nice circle.


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Njut av midsommar

Just nu hittar du Västerbottensost® till ett extra bra pris på Coop, City Gross, Hemköp och Willys. 

Erbjudandet gäller t.o.m. 26/6.