The Mereorite deposit is believed to have made the soil around Burträsk, where the cows graze, extra calcareous and fertile. Perhaps that’s why Västerbottensost’s unique flavour can only be created here.


The mistake that became a masterpiece

The story of Västerbottensost begins in 1872, when the dairywoman Ulrika Eleonora Lindström created the mythical recipe for the cheese we still enjoy today. It is said that it was a wooing milkmaid that made her miss the yoke. The cheese was considered a failure at first, but when it was tasted, the wonderful flavour was discovered! Whatever the truth of the story, we can be sure that it was Ulrika Eleonora who took advantage of the new knowledge and bestowed it on posterity. Thank you Ulrika Eleonora!

From mistakes to masterpieces,Burträsk,unique taste,Swedish national symbol,get to know the history Västerbottensost®
From mistakes to masterpieces,Burträsk,unique taste,Swedish national symbol,get to know the history Västerbottensost®


"Dear Mrs. Lundstrom, put brandy on ice and arm a six, six for seven with crayfish and eels and with new radishes; Burträskosten not forgetting"

- August Strindberg

National poet August Strindberg on the cheese in “Ordalek and small art and other 1900s poetry”.


A milestone for Swedish cheese

When the trademark “W” is registered, a historic step is taken in Swedish cheese production. At the time, the cheese is made by several different dairies and the quality is varied. But under the new brand, dairies agree on a common quality standard – something very unusual. Even today, all Västerbotten cheese® is adorned with “W” as a guarantee of its quality!

Learn more about manufacturing

From mistakes to masterpieces,Burträsk,unique taste,Swedish national symbol,get to know the history Västerbottensost®


Burträskost changes its name

The name of the cheese is determined to Västerbottensost after previously being called Burträskost®.


The cheese crosses the Atlantic

In the years after World War II, a large part of the production was exported to the United States. Today you can find Västerbottensost® around Europe and all the way to Hong Kong!

From mistakes to masterpieces,Burträsk,unique taste,Swedish national symbol,get to know the history Västerbottensost®
From mistakes to masterpieces,Burträsk,unique taste,Swedish national symbol,get to know the history Västerbottensost®


A royal cheese

Thanks to Västerbottensost®, Norrmejerier is named Royal Purveyor – an honor that shows that the unique cheese suits both royalty and ordinary people, both for everyday life and for parties.


A noble cheese

At the Nobel dinner, guests can enjoy a Västerbottensoststimbal as a main course together with lemon-fried duck breast, ragu on chanterelles and Jerusalem artichoke and herb potato puree.

From mistakes to masterpieces,Burträsk,unique taste,Swedish national symbol,get to know the history Västerbottensost®
From mistakes to masterpieces,Burträsk,unique taste,Swedish national symbol,get to know the history Västerbottensost®


The cheese gets its own house

His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia inaugurate Ostens hus in Burträsk – which later becomes Västerbottensost® Visitor Center.


The cheese at princess weddings

Västerbottensostpaj® kicks off the wedding dinner when Princess Madeleines marries Chris O’Neill on June 8. The wedding dinner is held at Drottningholm Castle and the pie is served with primeur eggs from Gotland and drottkaviar foam.

Carl XVI Gustaf


The small dairy is growing

His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf inaugurates the expanded dairy in Burträsk after the demand for Västerbotten cheese® has grown. A hole in the wall allows the unique house flora from the historic building to flow through to the new superstructure.


Sweden's landscape pizzas

Västerbottensost® and the Swedish Culinary Team introduce the concept of “landscape pizza” by designating Sweden’s official landscape pizzas created by the Swedish people.

For the pizzas

From mistakes to masterpieces,Burträsk,unique taste,Swedish national symbol,get to know the history Västerbottensost®


The National Cheese celebrates 150® years!

In 2022, it will be exactly 150 years since dairywoman Ulrika Eleonora Lindström created the mythical recipe for Västerbottensost®. In connection with this, it is also stated that Västerbottensost, as the only Swedish cheese, may be titled National cheese.


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Njut av midsommar

Just nu hittar du Västerbottensost® till ett extra bra pris på Coop, City Gross, Hemköp och Willys. 

Erbjudandet gäller t.o.m. 26/6.